The Hyperloop is comming to FMP

The Hyperloop is comming to FMP

The Hyperloop is comming to FMP

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After months of preparation, October 28 2022 was finally the day: the hyperloop tube came to our Future Mobility Park! We are thrilled to see how after months of planning something stands that you can feel, touch and experience.

"As engineers, we're guys who want to play with stuff and that can really happen here," said Lucien Linders, director of the Future Mobility Park.

The transportation on the highway was a real spectacle and drew many spectators. Many people recognized the tube, which made its transport extra fun. Getting the hyperloop across the highway to the Future Mobility Park was a challenge, but it worked!

Why the hyperloop is going to change the future

The hyperloop aligns perfectly with our mission to make mobility more sustainable and future-proof. In fact, this hyper-innovative mode of transportation has the potential to dramatically change the way we travel as we know it:

- Currently, 10% to as much as 25% of city space is used for mobility. With the hyperloop, only half as much space is needed.

- With the hyperloop, you can travel in 30 minutes to a city 300 kilometers away. This makes it possible to live further away from your work, without having to spend a long time in traffic jams.

- Today, transportation is still responsible for 23% of greenhouse gas emissions. Travel on the hyperloop has no direct emissions and can be powered by green electricity.

- If nothing changes, the energy consumption needed for transportation will grow by as much as 70% by 2050. The hyperloop requires 10x less energy than road or air transportation.

Publication date: 8-12-2023

Location: Future Mobility Park Rotterdam

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